Database Schema
In SQL Server, a schema is a logical container for database objects, such as tables, views, and stored procedures. A schema is a way of organizing and grouping related objects in a database, and it allows multiple users to share the same database objects while keeping their data separate.
A schema can be used to secure database objects in several ways. First, a schema can be used to specify the ownership of database objects. This means that a schema can be associated with a particular user or group, and only users who are the owner of the schema or have been granted permissions by the owner can access the objects in the schema. This can help to control access to the objects in the schema and prevent unauthorized users from accessing or modifying the data.
Second, a schema can be used to specify the permissions that are granted to different users or groups for the objects in the schema. This means that a schema owner can grant or deny specific permissions, such as the ability to read, insert, update, or delete data, to different users or groups. This can provide fine-grained control over which users or groups can access and modify the data in the schema.
Third, a schema can be used to specify the default permissions applied to new objects created in the schema. This means that when a new object is added to the schema, it will automatically inherit the permissions defined for it. This can help ensure new objects are secured consistently and predictably without requiring manual intervention to grant permissions.
Overall, a schema in a SQL Server database is a helpful tool for organising and securing database objects. It allows for the separation of data and the control of access to the data, and it can help to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the data in the database.